Before I went to university, my Aunt said to me that I have to have the confidence to stick out my hand and say “Hi, I’m Eliza”

So, here we go…

Hi, I’m Eliza.

I have just graduated from the University of York with a BA in English & Politics, and an MA in International Relations. I stayed for an extra year because, 1. my friends and I lost two years of uni to the pandemic, and 2., I genuinely love learning.

My favourite film is Good Will Hunting, with Karate Kid coming in as a close second. My favourite thing in the world is Patsy, my 4-year-old cocker spaniel who loves her humans as much as she loves her tennis ball.

I think that whether a situation is good or bad, it can always be made better with a cup of tea.

I’ve called this little space Beans & Books because it’s where I’ll be posting about cosy places, great coffeeshops, and even greater books…coffee beans…books…you get the picture.

Head over to my Instagram to say hi - I’d love to hear from you!