A Day in Robin Hood’s Bay
For our final trip in Yorkshire before we all went our separate ways, myself and my uni housemates went to Robin Hood’s Bay.
In typical English style, it was forecast to storm in the afternoon, but we decided that it didn’t matter, and we’d make the most of whatever sunshine we were granted.
The drive from York was scenic - the purple heather was lush, carpeting the hills. We’d been to a Hozier concert in Manchester a few days prior, so this was our soundtrack of the day. Even now, when I hear some of those songs, it takes me back to the last few days we had together.
When we arrived, we nipped in and out of little side streets to peek at the cottages - they looked like something from a fairy tail, with all the flowers in bloom. Then we headed straight to the beach, and picked a spot to set up camp. We paddled, made sandcastles (strangers lent us their children’s various buckets and spades), and ate ice creams, before the sky turned an intimidating shade of grey.
We made our way back up the hills, nipping in and out of little shops on the way. One of our favourites was the little bookshop on Chapel Street, which is exactly how you would imagine it to be - quaint, charming, and bursting with good quality second-hand books.
After that, with growling stomachs, we headed to a fish and chip shop that overlooked the stormy sea. It was chucking it down. We ordered, ate, and chatted until we were tired enough to head back to the car.
If you’re around the Yorkshire area and are looking for a charming day out, or a weekend away, the seaside town of Robin Hood’s Bay is the perfect little escape.